Starting Your Day Right: How to Create a Healthy Morning Routine

Starting Your Day Right: How to Create a Healthy Morning Routine

A friend and colleague of mine once told me she always starts her day with a question. She asked herself what kind of day she wanted to have right when she woke up. This, to me, seemed like one of those things that should be obvious to do, and yet it wasn’t something I had considered before then. 

 The moments right after we wake up have an outsized impact on the rest of our day and how we experience it. 

Though many of us don’t even think about what we do first thing in the mornings, if we start to pay attention to how we approach them, it is often very telling what we see. That first move we make, the first thought we have, sets the tone for how we move through the rest of the day (unless we take the time to reset at some point, which is also incredibly helpful). 

Think about how you start your morning. What do you do in the moments after your alarm goes off (or in my case children wake you up) and your eyes open? Do you jump out of bed? Do you look at your phone? What app do you open if you do? 

Take a moment to notice what it is you do first and think about whether you like the idea of that one action setting the tone for your day. 

Looking at social media or a news app first thing in the morning can cause a lot of anxiety, even if we don’t notice it in the moment. Beginning your day with scary news or comparisons to the filtered lives of others can start our day off in a state of self-doubt or hopelessness. When we carry that through our day, every task can feel less enjoyable, and our sense of joy and excitement can be dimmed before it even has a chance to grow. 

Even if we know to stay away from our phones first thing in the morning, our brains can still trap us in a negative pattern before we’ve had a chance to even notice that it’s happening. If we’ve gotten into the habit of immediately thinking about our to-do lists, recounting yesterday’s grievances, or telling ourselves how stressed we already are, we’re setting ourselves up for a negative view of the day without even meaning to. 

So, instead of all of those (and many other) not so great ways to start the day, here are some suggestions for how we can make those first moments of our morning ones that give us the best chance at a day full of joy and accomplishment. 

1.     Avoid starting with the screen.

I know, I know, this is one of those concepts that is obvious, or at least it should be obvious, but in our increasingly screen-based world this can be truly difficult to put into practice. We have to train ourselves to wait; wait to check our emails, wait to check the news, wait to check social media. Not just to wait, but to focus on something else instead; something that will serve us better. 


2.     Start with a daily word or theme. 

This one was life-changing for me. Rather than reach for my phone, I try to start my day thinking “what theme works for me today?” or “what kind of day do I want to have today?” It takes the power away from everyone else but me and gives me a chance to set the course for my day. Maybe one day you’ll need to have a “one thing at a time” theme. Maybe sometimes the word of you day will be “accomplish”, while other days it will be “rest” or “acceptance”. 

We need different things at different points of our lives (and our weeks!). Taking it day by day allows us to address our ever-changing lives and needs. 

3.     Center your body and mind before you get out of bed. 

What is one practice you can do, however brief, to center yourself before you leave your bed? This can be anything from one good, deep belly breath to a set of stretches or meditation. Whatever works for you, do it before you get to the business of the day and notice how it impacts your day. 

4.     Be intentional about what you put in your body. 

The first thing we put in our bodies will set the tone for the rest of the day. What will nourish you the most first thing? What have you noticed helps you feel good at the start of your day? Pay attention to your body and what works and follow that. I can’t tell you what to eat or drink (that’s not my area of expertise), but I can encourage you to lean into being intentional about what you take in first thing so that you’re starting your day caring for yourself, inside and out. 

5.     Be intentional about how you move your body. 

Movement can bring us joy, fun, motivation, connection, and physical health. It’s not about being “fit” or “burning calories” (those are all wrapped up in shame and have no place in a healthy morning routine). It’s about connecting to and honoring your body in a way that feels good and sets the tone for a healthy, enjoyable day. What is one movement practice that you can incorporate into your morning routine? It doesn’t have to be long or strenuous.   

Being mindful of how we move our bodies can help us bring that mindfulness into the rest of our days. 

There are plenty of other ideas for a morning routine, but start with just one of these and see how you do! You don’t have to go from no routine to some complex ten-step practice overnight. The important thing is that you begin to be intentional with how you start your day. Pick one thing from this list and try it out for a week. Notice how it impacts how you feel and how your days go. Once it becomes second nature, add something else! You are in control of your morning. You get to decide how you approach it. Embrace that power and start making your days better, starting tomorrow morning! 


Want some help setting up healthier routines and working on your goals? Schedule a Discovery Call with me and see if Coaching is right for you!

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